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Aphorisms for writers

Sifted from my daily writing pages...

Each day, an appointment with silence.

Begin is the hinge between the impossible and the possible.


Be the Eric Snowdon of your inner life.

The most important literature of our time is the not-yet-written.

Plunder your reticence.

As each day falls away, your writing gathers an archive of the interior life.

Only by returning to zero--the blank page--can a writer savor the luxury of first thought.

Writing with others, I hear each voice matter.

My remedy for myriad troubles: cook up a feast of words, and see what I learn.

Like a bird lifting from a twig, a writer steps away from all accouterments. Even as I plod the road, my soul is in flight.

We have not arrived to explain, but to sing.

The well-lit problem begins to heal.

While you keep working on the life, try to get the story right.

Spend kind words--the coins of happiness--or hoard them, endowment of sorrow.

Sometimes right action is no action...then writing...then clear thought...then right action.

What is my function in a dysfunctional community: Say what is.

Songbird guards a twig, it's only weapon a song.

Freedom has this magic disappearing act--you look, and look, and all the time it's right there

Writing works when it's not about ideas or even words, but becomes a river that plucks ideas and words from the bank as it flows along.

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